Whoa...that didn't feel normal!
Does anyone else feel we live with the pressure to be busy 24/7 and run around making things happen?
This morning I paused and made some room in my heart for thankfulness.
Cellphones.I spend alot of time hating them but my Mr. is away right now helping out with earthquake response and I am so grateful that at the end of the day I can hear his voice down the line.
Pretty Things. I love this carved lady with outstretched arms. She was given to me by someone special and I love that her facial expression changes depending on the light and the angle from which you view her. We all have little things around our houses which are dear to us right?
Books. Such an example of power through words. I am reading For Better: The Science of Marriage and what an eye-opening read. Before we got married, many people made doubtful comments about our marriage lasting because of our age (me 22, him 26). I wish I had read this back then!
Cauliflower and pumpkin. Normally, thankfulness would not extend to these two veges. However, I am headed to the hospital next week and I am banned from all fruit/veges/grains except for these two veges for a period.
Bubble wrap. I just learnt that the inventors actually came up with it, originally, as wall paper. Awesome!
Rain. Today is rainy and it is my day off. Perfect to inspire me to do some of my corrospondence study and perfect to remind me to rest. Besides I always think rain is God showing us how his grace is always afresh.

Good deals. I love deals and discounts, bargains and sales! Today I found myself a cheap movie ticket deal online. Which is perfect because I am off to watch the King's Speech on Thursday. Yusss!
Photo memories. Photography came about as a result of mistakes and experiments as various men dabbled with numerous chemicals (yikes!). Yesterday was my Dad's birthday. He would have been 57 today but we lost him far too early in 2009 to suicide. The pain is still so raw but I have photos that I cherish and I am unbelievably grateful that someone invented the ability to capture a moment forever.

I definitely feel pressured to be busy 24/7. Thank you for reminding me how important it is to be still and remember what I am thankful for.